Ewen Cameron Nazi Scientist Imported on the Continent via the Project Paperclip - Harvey Weinstein
MKULTRA Cameron and the 1977 missing files discovery - Part 1
MKULTRA Cameron and the 1977 missing files discovery - Part 2
If you need to join the Allan Memorial Institute Experiments Class Action, here is the address: ?
Si tu as besoin de joindre Action collective des Expériences de l’Institut Allan Memorial, voici l’addresse:
MK Ultra brainwashing program: Former patients fight for settlement (1985) - The Fifth Estate
A father, a son, and the CIA [electronic resource] /
Harvey Weinstein.
Brainwash Experiments Still Enrage Victim’s Son Jacqueline Cutler
Anatomy Public Case Interest against the CIA
The History of Emotions Blog
Brainwashing’s Avatar: The Curious Career of Dr. Ewen Cameron
MK Ultra y el Dr. Cameron, primer presidente de la Asociación Mundial de Psiquiatría
59. Occasional violations of this unwritten agreement were noted by the chairman of the DRB (Dr. Omond M. Solandt). When these violations were discovered, the covertly-funded classified project would be terminated or taken over by the DRB. The Montreal Experiments, which did not follow the proper channels was one suchviolations of the agreement (Exhibit R-16, page 154);
62. Due to the dubious and immoral nature of the mind control research, the CIA moved a number of experiments out of the United States;
63. Altogether, there were 149 MKULTRA subprojects relating to drugs and behaviour modification, including Subproject 68 – also known as the Montreal Experiments. The MKULTRA Briefing Book contains the following summary of the Montreal Experiments
I forgot to read this very important point:
69. In reality, depatterning was nothing more than an electrical lobotomy;
under: (ii) The Canadian Government’s Funding of the Montreal Experiments
107. In the late 1940s, Cameron began the Montreal Experiments, which soon became outright brainwashing experiments whereby he indiscriminately attempted to erase his patients’ minds and reprogram them. Cameron’s assault on the personality developed unchecked by any ethical or moral concerns – under the guise of treatment, innocent and unwitting patients became victims of brainwashing research;
108. In a 1951 progress report on the “Behavioural Laboratory” to the Canadian Department of National Health and Welfare, Cameron reported that “disorganization accumulates with ECT” (Exhibit R-16 page 53);
109. In his 1953 progress report on the “Behavioural Laboratory” to the Canadian Department of National Health and Welfare, Cameron reported the results of his own isolation technique which he performed on patients at the Allan MemorialInstitute – his technique involved the lowering of resistance to the psychic driving experiments. The report failed to mention a maximum time period for the psychic driving;
110. In 1953, a new pavilion was added to the Allan Memorial Institute, adding 50 beds to the existing 38 for a total of 88 beds (not including the 40 bed in the outpatient day centre) (Exhibit R-35); 111. Also in 1953, Cameron began experimenting with Psychic Driving (Exhibit R-16 page 47);
113. In 1956, Cameron published a major article on his technique of psychic driving in the American Journal of Psychiatry entitled “Psychic Driving”. Most of the 15 patients who were involved in the study were diagnosed “neurotic” and all but one were women in their 30s and 40s. His technique (portion removed);
114. In his article (Exhibit R-3), Cameron described the Montreal Experiments as follows: (b) One patient, a 25-year-old man, began to panic on the fifth day of isolation: I feel I am not here ... I am scared. I am in another world ... I am afraid I am not going to come back ... I feel like I am going out of this world ... I don’t feel real.
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