【浪浪釘】【山河令】張哲瀚 龔俊【我在無人處愛你】Word of Honor【Sơn Hà Lệnh】Zhang

I came across this song on Monday while I was looking for songs to arrange for my lyrics of the song inspired me to make a video for Gong Jun.I made a few videos for ZZH already so is Gong Jun show time. Anyway I love both of them,for me is the same even though ZZH videos will have Gong Jun and Gong Jun videos will have can’t be separated. The Word of Honor series EP 3 I will upload next week. Actually I uploaded a video on Thursday and yesterday .That video requested by international unfortunately until last night after a few times re-edit and uploaded still can’t approved by YouTube. It is a 11 minutes video with lots of English subtitles which I translated and put in the video,so it is a waste of efforts if I throw that video at one side.I will try re-edit the video again today and tomorrow ,see I could get through or not. Anyway hope you all like this video. Do enjoy💐💐💐 今天我製作了&#
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