Ukraine turns Donetsk into a minefield using banned ‘Petal’ mines

The use of PFM-1 ‘Petal’ mines against civilians is prohibited by the Geneva conventions – but this evidently isn’t stopping Ukraine Just after 9 pm on July 30, thunderous explosions rocked central Donetsk. Shortly after, there were announcements that air defense had shot down Ukrainian-fired missiles containing Petal mines. Given that over 300 of these mines are packed into each of the Ukrainian-fired rockets, central Donetsk would literally be a minefield. While Ukraine has been using these mines on the Donbass for many months, in recent days they have intensely bombarded Gorlovka and Donetsk neighbourhoods with them. Initially targeted were the hard-hit districts of Kievskiy in the north, Kirovsky in the southwest, and Kuibyshevkiy in the west. But as of Saturday night, Ukraine hammered central Donetsk with them. And now, walking in the city centre is a nightmare, one I had to endure to document how widespread these mines are here: in central streets and walkways, near apartments, in parks... *See Part 2: Donetsk Emergency Services & Sappers Clear Residential Areas of Ukraine’s Mines *Part 3: Ukrainian Terrorism: Firing Munitions Containing Petal Mines On Donbass Orphanage, Another War Crime NOTE: Some have commented about the mines being lined up & not dispersed. Disingenuous argument. They were dispersed. Locals and Emergency Services put them aside until they could be exploded. There were many in the same area & the first priority is to warn passing pedestrians & vehicles of their presence, to minimalize the chance people will step on them. Sappers can’t just detonate them with people standing around: there are too many, not a random one or two, and there is a danger that flying debris/shrapnel could injure anyone around, hence why the sappers suit up before detonating. I’ve seen them detonated, from a distance or 30 or 50 m. If I had been closer, it wouldn’t have been safe. Go to Donetsk & see for yourselves.
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