30-Day American Phonetic Challenge | Day 12: Sounds & :

Hey! I’m Alex, and it’s Day 12 of my 30-day American Phonetic challenge. Today let’s compare the sounds from Day 1 and 11, /ʌ/ and /ɔ:/. Let’s go! 1. What an awesome hut I caught! 2. My lost lust is a longing must. 3. Mother prawn has cut lawn. 4. Talking and tucking, and walking, and mucking. 5. The pause button has brought gluttons. 6. The Sunday audio in the autumn is just naughty. 7. Her long lungs have sung all the songs, applauding the plums. Support the challenge, leave a like, and a comment. See ya tomorrow! Мой уютный канал в Telegram: Поддержать канал: Сбер: 4276 1604 8244 5153 ЮMoney: 410014955711376 Мне будет очень приятно ❤️ Спасибо, что смотрите и поддерживаете 😉 VK: IG: Яндекс Дзен:
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