Деобанд. Рыцари Ислама. Шейх Ильяс Гуман.

Даруль Улюм Деобанд одна из крупнейших школ Ахлю Сунны Валь Джамаа, последователи Ханафитского мазхаба. Deoband: The Knights of Islam, the sons of Deoband By Maulana Ilyas Ghuman Here is the lecture series that was advertised at the end of the clip: For more clips of Maulana Ilyas Ghuman in English click here: Brought to you by the Hanafi fiqh channel. Our facebook page: Our twitter page: Second channel: Our blog: Our Flickr page: ’Alimah Answers’ sister’s ONLY facebook page:
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