Weapons of the Imperium: Bolter

Warhammer 40,000 simulation of the operation of a bolt round. This video is meant as education for new players of the WH40K tabletop game. The concept of the Astartes Boltgun is a little confusing when first encountered, many believe it to be a large submachine gun. Several video games have helped to cement this common misconception. The work was created for a digital simulation class. It is the creators hope to revisit this work in the near future. Hopefully better narration, sorry folks for now your stuck with me, and some smoke and fume vfx will be added later. Complete transcript... The Boltgun or Bolter is the hallmark weapon of the Imperial Space Marine. It fires mass reactive bolts. This ammunition makes a mockery of light and medium personal armor and its explosive warhead causes extreme damage. The bolt is no mere bullet. It is a highly complex munition. The primary components of the bolt are its main kick charge. The rocket fuel require
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