Jyn Erso & Anakin Skywalker | Running up that hill

you’re wrong about him. - - please watch in hd /with headphones ♡ - - I’m sorry, now I’m spamming you guys again.😅 But Jyn is such a good character and as you’ve probably guessed, I love Anakin, so I made this. As always, hopefully the storyline makes sense. 💖 Story: When they were kids, Anakin and Jyn were on the run, and Anakin left her behind, not on purpose, as Jyn thinks, because the autopilot was on and he couldn’t stop the jet. As they meet up as adults, people question if Anakin is on the good side, and Jyn tries to convince them they are wrong about him, but Obi-Wan doesn’t believe her, and so, Jyn finds Anakin first. But she realizes that he really has turned to the dark side. Thank you so much for watching! 💖 Movies: Star Wars prequels / Rogue One Program: Vegas pro 18 Song: Amazing cover of Running up that Hill by Samuel Kim Music (
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