Monsieur Berenger, war debt expert, gives France’s viewpoint on President Hoover’s morator...(1931)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Monsieur Berenger, war debt expert, gives France’s viewpoint on President Hoover’s moratorium on the World War I war debt - the Hoover Plan. Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: French Debt Stand FRANCE: Paris: EXT Journalist Q: what is his reaction to proposal made to Europe by President Hoover? Henry Berenger (French Ambassador to Washington) interview SOT - saying he understands reasons for Hoover plan due to bankruptcy of Germany - French public opinion was surprised - in German budget war debts represented 8% / France pays for her own debt 40% of total expenditures - Our economic situation with a budget already showing two million deficit makes dangerous for us to impose such an additional charge on the French Taxpayer already more burdened than the German taxpayer Background: Monsieur Berenger, war debt
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