Сибирская горихвостка / Daurian Redstart / Phoenicurus auroreus

Daurian Redstart, singing and spitting a lantana seed occassionally, filmed by the side of a fish pond near Chi Ho Road ,Kam Tin, HONG KONG on 01-01-2012 13:41pm (This bird has been living here since I first saw him on 22-01-2011. There is another male redstart , the one i first saw on 26-12-2011, living near a pavilion 400m away. I saw him the same day 30 minutes later in the same pavilion .) 北紅尾鴝(三點金) 在唱歌,間中吐出像 馬櫻丹 的種子。 攝於 香港錦田 治河路 漁塘邊 2012年1月1日 下午1時41分 (從2011 年1月22日,,他已生活於此。) (400公尺
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