Nietzsche’s secret advice you’ve never heard (why he was so clever)

Nietzsche is undeniably a genius. He revolutionised philosophy, ethics, and a certain form of psychology. But what made him so clever? Luckily, he wrote two essays on just that topic: “Why I am so clever“ and “Why I am so wise“. And in these, he gives a valuable insight into how his mind works, and how he wrote so originally. This is life-changing advice, and it is right there for the taking. Spelling error at 06:49 where “piece“ should be written as “peace“. 00:00 Nietzsche 00:31 Greatness out of suffering 02:21 Constant reflection 03:37 A few good books 05:03 Abandon resentment and self-pity 06:43 Amor Fati Sign up to my email list here: Stock footage by
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