你在狗面前有优先权吗?/Do you have priority over your dog? (Dog Information and advice)

优先权,这个东西虽然无形,但是却很清晰的存在于狗群当中,当你面对狗狗的时候,你有没有这个优先权代表了你在它心目中的地位,养狗的人都应该明白优先权的重要性/Priority is intangible, but it exists very clearly among dogs. When you face dogs, whether you have priority represents your status in their mind. Dog owners should know the importance of priorities. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 有关于狗狗喂养问题或者行为问题的可以加1号微信:yangquanxiongmei1 有关于狗狗出售的信息可以加我们2号微信:yangquanxiongmei2 有关于狗狗寄养的问题可以加我们3号微信:yangquanxiongmei3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.狗狗离舍前都经历过什么?What needed to be done before the dog left our kennel? 9.狗狗的驱虫应该怎么做?How should a dog be warmed? 10.狗狗的疫苗应该怎么打?How should a dog be vaccinated? 11.孕妇能不能养狗?Can pregnant women keep dogs? 12.家里有孩子能不能养狗?Can I keep a dog if I have a kid? 13.狗狗刚到家吃多少合适?How much to feed a dog when he arrives home? 14.狗狗挑食怎么办?What to do with a food-picky dog? 15.狗粮是不是商业化产物?Is factory dog food a commercial product? 16.选什么价位的狗粮合适?Which price range of dog food is affordable? 17.狗粮每次喂多少合适?How much food is appropriate to feed each time? 18.幼犬多大可以吃干狗粮?When can puppies eat dry food? 19.哪些食物对狗有害处?Which foods are dangerous for dogs? 20.狗的营养品是智商税吗?Are dog supplements necessary? 21.狗到底需不需要补钙?Do dogs need calcium supplements? 22.狗狗能不能吃生肉?Can dogs eat raw meat? 23.狗吃生肉会不会长寄生虫?If dogs had parasites by eating raw meat? 24.狗吃生肉会变凶吗?Will dogs be aggressive if they eat raw meat? 25.狗吃什么肉比较合适?What kind of meat is suitable for dogs? 26.狗的食谱中肉类占比多少合适?What proportion of meat is appropriate in a dog’s food? 27.狗能不能吃骨头?If bones suitable for dogs? 28.狗的零食应该怎么选?How to choose dog treats? 29.狗的玩具应该怎么选?How to choose dog toys? 30.狗到底需不需要穿衣服?Do dogs need to wear clothes? 31.牵引绳和笼子应该怎么选?How to choose a leash and cage 32.狗狗的托运方式有哪些?Ways of transporting dogs 33.接到狗狗以后应该怎么做?What should you do when your dog just arrived home? 34.狗狗刚到家应该怎么安置?How should you arrange the places when the dog just arrived? 35.狗狗刚到家能不能洗澡?Can I bathe my dog when the dog just arrived? 36.狗狗多久洗一次澡合适?How often should a dog take a bath? 37.狗刚到家后一定要注意这几点Tips when the dog just arrives home 38.狗狗的定点排便训练Dog toilet training 39.关于狗狗的笼养问题About the dog being caged. 40.狗狗总是吠叫怎么办?What to do if a dog keeps barking? 41.如何快速跟狗建立信任关系?How to quickly build a trusting relationship with your dog. 42.狗狗总爱拆家怎么办?What to do if my dog ​​wants to destroy the house? 43.狗狗不肯戴牵引绳怎么办?What to do if your dog refuses to wear a leash 44.你的遛狗方式适合你家狗吗?If your walking way suit your dog? 45.狗狗总是爆冲怎么办?What to do if my dog ​​keeps pushing against you? 46.狗狗爱扑人怎么办?What to do if your dog likes to jump on people? 47.狗狗爱乱捡东西吃怎么办?What to do if my dog ​​likes to pick up random things to eat? 48.狗狗是个
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