Proclamation of Emperor Wilhelm to the German People- 6 August 1914 (Recorded 10 January 1918)

When Austria Hungary, with the backing of its German ally, decided to declare war on Serbia on July 29th, 1914, it set off a catastrophical chain reaction, plunging Europe into WWI. The Russian Empire, having guaranteed Serbias neutrality, mobilized the next day, Germany sent an ultimatum to Russia demanding it stop its mobilization, Russia declined this, and Germany declared war on Russia on August 1st. On August 3rd, with German troops entering Belgium, thus violating the London Treaty of 1839, in which all European powers guaranteed Belgian neutrality, the British sent an ultimatum to Germany demanding it to respect the Treaty of 1839, Germany declined, and after the ultimatum ran out, Great Britain and with it all its colonies was in a state of war with Germany. Germany also declared war on France on August 3rd. With that, in only a few days, the “Powder Keg Europe“, as it was called, went off, and Europe and the world was in a great war, something that a lot of politicans and generals actually wanted or at least welcomed. A few days after that, on August 6th, the German Emperor, Wilhelm II, published a proclamation to the German people, in which he claimed Germany only wanted peace and now has to defend itself and its ally Austria-Hungary. This speech was not recorded in 1914, but in January 1918, Wilhelm II had it recorded for propaganda purposes. - Subtitles made by me.
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