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ППП Пасивни Посматрачи Природе (Passive Observers of Nature) “We are ready to move from being passive observers of Nature to being active choreographers of Nature.” Michio Kaku PROCLAMATION Ye, o, ye! These are profound truths: At the beginning of the 21st century the Human Race faces its inevitable downfall. We have rebelled against every single Moral Value; we have destroyed the Institution of Family; we have misused our precious Imagination, pushing into creating the most devious ways of Slavery, we have decomposed the genome and are getting ready to play God by creating a creature at o...ur own image (be it mechanical or genetic). In order to preserve their own existence, humans must do as follows: 1) rebel against rebellion; 2) destroy the destruction; 3) misuse the misusage, and 3) fly a kite (not necessarily in this order) ППП act I TRADITIONAL RITUAL SONGS It took decades of field work of Serbian ethnomusicologists to collect thousands of traditional folk Serbian songs, gathered from villages all around Serbia. The aim was to save ancient Serbian music from oblivion by recording elderly folks singing the songs they’ve heard from their mothers and fathers, and their mothers and fathers. However, hours and hours of recorded tapes were simply stacked at the sound library of Faculty of Music Arts in Belgrade, without any hope to see the light of the day… Пасивни Посматрачи Природе have taken just a tiny fraction of this huge heritage to give the ancients new voice for the new age to come. ППП would like to thank ethnomusicologists PhD Dragoslav Dević and PhD Dimitrije Golemović for all of their work and their help.
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