An Agile Monopedal Hopping Quadcopter with Synergistic Hybrid Locomotion

Nature abounds with examples of superior mobility through the fusion of aerial and ground movement. Drawing inspiration from such multimodal locomotion, we introduce a high-performance hybrid hopping and flying robot. The proposed robot seamlessly integrates a nano quadcopter with a passive telescopic leg, overcoming limitations of previous jumping mechanisms that rely on stance phase leg actuation. Based on the identified dynamics, a thrust-based control method and detachable active aerodynamic surfaces are devised for the robot to perform continuous jumps with and without position feedback. This unique design and actuation strategy enable tuning of jump height and reduced stance phase duration, leading to agile hopping locomotion. The robot recorded an average vertical hopping speed of meters per second at a jump height of meters. By harnessing multimodal locomotion, the robot is capable of intermittent midflight jumps that result in substantial instantaneous accelerations and rapid changes in flight direction, offering enhanced agility and versatility in complex environments. The passive leg design holds potential for direct integration with conventional rotorcraft, unlocking seamless hybrid hopping and flying locomotion. Songnan Bai, Qiqi Pan, Runze Ding, Huaiyuan Jia, Zhengbao Yang, and Pakpong Chirarattananon Science Robotics, 2024
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