All About Lyrans | Royal Houses & First Man Races | Astral Legends

The Lyrans are an ancient and highly evolved extraterrestrial species thought to originate from the Lyra star system, often considered the birthplace of early humanoid races. According to various accounts and metaphysical teachings, they are regarded as the first humanoid beings, with diverse human-like appearances. Many Lyrans possess feline-like traits, such as sharp eyes, elongated faces, and a graceful, agile build. Some are even described with cat-like or lion-like characteristics, embodying strength, wisdom, and agility. They are frequently seen as the root race that spread throughout the galaxy, sharing their knowledge and genetic material to influence many worlds. As one of the oldest spacefaring civilizations, the Lyrans are believed to have existed for millions of years. They are thought to be the ancestors of several galactic species, including the Pleiadians, Arcturians, Katay, Sirians, Andromedans, and certain reptilian and human-like races. Spiritually, the Lyrans are highly advanc
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