We’re proud to introduce: Russian ripper, Danil Korotaev AKA: Danich’s newest video filmed over the past 4 months in the streets of Moscow. This dude has an endless bag of tricks & is so fun to watch ride. Can’t wait to see more from this dude in the future.
Filmed & Edited By: Stepan Serykh
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Thanks to our partners for working with us to grow Scootering:
Proto Scooters
Ethic DTC
River Wheel Co
Apex Pro Scooters
Atlas Co Online
Chilli Pro Scooters
Lucky Scooters
The Shop Pro Scooter Lab
Indo The Trick Scooter
Longway Scooters
7 months ago 00:09:16 1
АЛЬЯНС | Команда 2: Никита Русаков, Данил Белоносов, Марк Рыбаков, Иван Машевский, Даня Коротаев