
【歡迎訂閲】 溫柔暴擊: #溫柔暴擊 #甜寵劇 #太子妃升職記 ​ #哲仁王后 【Eng Sub PlayList】 【劇名】太子妃升職記 #GoPrincessGo 【背景信息】 該視頻片斷改編自鮮橙的同名小說《太子妃升職記》,為了劇情需要,眾演員在保護自身安全的情況下,利用特效給觀眾還原小說中的故事情節,才有了視頻展現的效果。 該劇講述了花花公子張鵬為躲避前女友們的圍堵,意外落水。醒來後,發現自己不僅穿越了千年,還變性成為了當朝的太子妃——張芃芃。獵女無數的張鵬無法接受這個事實,可也無法改變。張芃芃一方面對太子後宮的三千佳麗垂涎三尺,一方面又不得學習如何在後宮自處。最讓她頭疼的是作為“太子妃”,不得不去討好太子齊晟。因此,女兒身、男兒心的張芃芃為了自保,不得不陷入太子、九王、趙王奪嫡的爭鬥中。經歷過一切鬥爭與愛恨糾葛後,張芃芃最終徹底愛上了齊晟,兩人放棄一切,歸隱山林。 【主演】張天愛、盛一倫、於朦朧、郭俊辰 【Welcome To Subscribe】gentle hit TV ​ #GentleHitVideo #철인왕후 #MrQueen 【Drama Name】 ✨Go Princess Go✨(Zhang tianai ,Sheng Yilun)(2021) 【Eng Sub PlayList】 【Plot summary】📖While enjoying an outdoor party, playboy Zhang Peng finds himself needing a quick escape from an approaching ex-girlfriend. He makes a mad dash for the swimming pool, only to have the lady in question accidentally plunge in herself. While attempting to resurface, Peng suffers one well-placed stiletto-heeled kick to the head. Upon awakening, with memories intact, he finds himself having gone back a thousand years in time. But this is the least of his worries, as he now realizes he has transformed into the current dynasty’s own crown princess, the lovely Zhang Peng Peng. Hilarity ensues as he tries to find a balance between opposing desires: To get back to his own time or to seduce all the women of the palace, now made seemingly achievable with the help of his new female persona. ~~ This parody was adapted from the novel “Tai Zi Fei Sheng Zhi Ji“ by Xian Chen. TZFSZJ
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