【240112 Gong Jun 龚俊 GXG Fashion】代言人龚俊的春季大片拍摄花絮来啦📢记录🚦穿梭于这座城市的自由时刻,动起来的俊俊,比春天更治愈 #龚俊 #GongJun #龔俊

Spokesperson Gong Jun’s behind-the-scenes footage of the spring photo shoot is here 📢 Capturing 🚦 the free moments of shuttling through the city With an attitude of embracing spring, Responding to the revival of urban commuting trajectories, The lively Jun Jun is more healing than spring. 代言人龚俊的春季大片拍摄花絮来啦📢 - 记录🚦穿梭于这座城市的自由时刻 以接纳春天的态度 回应复苏的都市通勤轨迹 - 动起来的俊俊 比春天更治愈 #GongJun #SimonGong #龚俊 #龚俊Simon #龔俊 #공준 #ゴンジュン #กงจวิ้น #cungtuấn
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