Sleigh Dogs’ Derby (1926)

St. Paul (could be St. Pauls), United States of America, . Title: “SLEIGH DOGS’ ’DERBY’. Youthful ’Mushers’ battle for Classic honour - and the dogs are just as keen!“ M/S of a young boy sitting on a sleigh holding reigns attached to two Collie dogs. M/S of another boy on a sleigh with two brow Collies attached. C/U of a little girl cuddling a Collie dog. Panning L/S looking between trees and over the heads of a crowd of toboggan race (all the sleighs are pulled by various kinds of dogs and driven by children). L/S of the race - the children lie kneel on the sleighs and hold the reigns of the dogs. M/S of four of the racers - the dogs decide to stop racing and start barking at each other, the children have to get off their sleighs and drag them away to continue the race. Point of view shot from a moving sleigh of one of the young racers speeding along through the snow. M/S of the race; some of the sleighs skid into a snow drift. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OU
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