Cassandra Fox dancing to “Amal Hayati“ by Omar Khorshid

Hello! It’s been awhile so I thought would share a recent practice clip :). While I still don’t get to practice as much as I used to or would like, nevermind get the time (re: have the energy and be awake enough lol)  to review my practice videos  this was filmed within the last week, so the turn around time here on watching it and  getting it posted is something I can be proud of lol. Dancing here to Omar Khorsid’s wonderful tribute to Oum Koulsoum’s beautiful “Amal Hayati“. I always found I struggled more slower paced pieces than faster paced ones, probably because being calm and present has not been a natural state for me, but it’s one thing I felt I have gotten better at with motherhood, is learning to just be at ease with being in the moment and the pace that it is happening at. I hope you enjoy it :) Thank you for watching and for your continued support. If you would like to learn to dance with me you can join  me over on my Patreon p
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