Aleksander Michałowski (1851-1938): Liszt - Soirée de Vienne

Polish-born Aleksander Michałowski was one of the oldest pianists to record. He was taught by Ignaz Moscheles (Beethoven disciple and friend of Mendelssohn and Chopin) and Carl Reinecke, followed by Carl Tausig (Liszt’s greatest pupil). He later also sought advice on Chopin interpretation from Chopin’s pupil Mikuli, and also from Liszt, who enthusiastically endorsed his performance of Chopin. He spent most his life as a teacher in Warsaw, with several distinguished pupils. His early recordings are the best performances, despite the primitive sound quality. This is Liszt’s Soirée de Vienne no.6 (based on works by Schubert). The recording was made in 1905
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