Clavicus Vile ∣ ESO Model Viewer › Characters › Daedric Princes

Clavicus Vile is a Daedric Prince whose sphere is the granting of power and wishes through ritual invocations and pacts, and is the master of Barbas, a powerful shapeshifting hound. He is part of The Triad, alongside Mephala and Nocturnal, a group of Princes who seek to start a Daedric War, and did not sign the agreement preventing Daedra from manifesting on Tamriel. Source: :Clavi.... Tags: Character, NPC, Daedric Prince, Zone Story, Oblivion, Fields of Regret, Artaeum, Summerset Chapter, Triad. Music: “Here Be Wonders“ by Brad Derrick from The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset (Original Game Soundtrack).
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