PBL - Describing target audience and product for Project Based Learning English lessons

Describing target audience and product for projects 👍 Welcome welcome to my last video of 2021 by the way 🎄🎊🎈 I’m following up on my last video on running projects PBL and TBL in English lessons You know it’s one of my favorite approaches to English because it puts learners in the driver’s seat And here’s a video to answer some of your dear questions about activities for projects I always start by telling students I want them to have something in English they are proud of And that might take the form of a presentation, a speech, a website, a post, a poster… basically a project in some form In this video, I go over one crucial step to practically any project: describing 🌞 We are going to assist and support our students as they describe their target audience and their product to potential readers, investors and so on And, in this case, we’ve got a great reason to look into order of adjectives, and participle clauses with the students 👩🏻‍🏫🧑🏼‍🏫👨🏾‍🏫 They’ll love these bits of language and the exercises h
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