This video is the result of a project conducted by the University of Washington and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. The research was funded by the National Science Foundation through the NEES Research Program and by the Charles Pankow Foundation. Visit for more videos or for additional information on the project.
A one third scale C-shaped reinforced concrete shearwall was subjected to cyclc bi-directional loadings to failure at the UIUC MUST-SIM facility. After failure, a post-earthquake axial compression evaluation was performed reaching a failure at 1,270 kips. The following video documents the failure of the specimen in axial compression.
This experiment is one of a series of eight tests of the Charles Pankow Foundation and NSF NEESR Collaborative Research Project for “Performance-Based Seismic Design of Concrete Walls.“ Researchers Laura Lowes(UW), Dawn Lehman(UW) and Dan Kuchma(UIUC) are the main investigators of this project.
51 view
12 months ago 00:00:27 51
UW-UIUC C-Shaped Wall Axial Compression Failure
12 months ago 00:00:55 17
C-Shaped Wall #1 - Video and hysteresis of uni-directional loading