IJA Tricks of the Month by William Alejandro from Mexico | Juggling

This series is part of eJuggle, the IJA’s online juggling resource: My name is William Alejandro Hernández. I started juggling at the age of fifteen at the DFT shop. I like that you can always add different moves to your tricks that make them completely new. In this video I share some ideas with balls and clubs. I thank Miztli Velázquez for being my master, Pol Wilson for recording and editing, and Juan Pablo Muro who inspires and supports me.   Mi nombre es William Alejandro Hernández. Empecé a malabarear a los quince años en DFT shop. Me gusta que siempre puedes añadir movimientos distintos a tus trucos que los hacen completamente nuevos, En este video les comparto algunas ideas con pelotas y clavas. Agradezco a Miztli Velázquez por ser mi master, a Pol Wilson por la grabación y edición y a Juan Pablo Muro que me inspira y apoya. Do you love the content the IJA is sharing and producing? Please consider becoming a Patron on our Patreon account to help us add more educational and inspirational content to the juggling community. Thanks for watching! Follow the IJA: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter -
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