Ramadan Recipes Iftar Foods Lamb Stew Chicken Soup Lentil Meatballs Russian Salad

Ramadan iftar menu recipes, lamb stew as a meat dish, chicken soup with thin noodle, lentil meatballs and Russian salad. Allah gave us blessings, praise and thanks I prepared the third iftar menu of the blessed month of Ramadan. I will make lamb stew as a meat dish, it will be a very healthy and delicious colorful dish. lamb thigh meat is chopped coarsely If you want the lamb to smell good, apply this Add the meat to the pot and mix Stir for 5 minutes and when the meat starts to release its juices, add the boiling water. When it comes to the boiling point, remove the meat without water. add the meat back to the pot and start roasting add finely chopped onion and unchopped garlic in it black pepper sugar boiling water take the foam, close the lid and cook for 1 hour prepare small onions Chop the carrots into large triangles chop green zucchini chop the eggplants chop the potatoes Fry the ingredients in a wok pan with a little oil. onions and carrots
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