Fantom Oasis - A Project Launchpad for the Fantom Opera Network - YouTube

Fantom Oasis - A Project Launchpad for the Fantom Opera Network Description: Fantom Oasis | The first decentralized launchpad for projects utilizing the Fantom Opera network | Our mission is to facilitate mutually-beneficial capital distribution between Fantom investors and project creators. Developers interact with the FTMO platform for efficient distribution of their tokens to motivated Fantom Opera super-users; investors buy and stake FTMO to receive these new projects’ tokens with potential bonuses (discounts, rewards, increased allocation size etc.) At first glance it may seem that project creators could simply recruit investors on their own, and that using a middle man to facilitate token distribution adds unnecessary cost. This may be the case on more established chains (e.g. Ethereum) which can rely on well developed communities and battle-hardened avenues of information transmission to get the word out and recruit capital. On a chain that is still bootstrapping its ecosystem, however, deve
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