Aodán Coyne - Captain Thompson (Take 1)

Огромное спасибо великолепному исполнителю и коллекционеру песен Шону Коркорану. Благодаря ему у меня есть эта песня. Вы можете найти ее в книге Джеймса Н. Хили “Ирландские баллады“. Buy the new album here - It is thanks to the great singer and song collector Sean Corcoran that I have this song. It can be found in James N. Healy’s book ’Irish Ballads and Songs of the Sea’. I must also thank Jack Talty for taking the time to record it in his studio last year and Marcel Cornu for making the video to accompany the song. This is the first in a collection of recordings that i’ll be posting over the coming months in preparation for my solo album. Hope yo
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