Coding Critters, unboxing Rumble and Bumble from learning resources

Coding Critters, unboxing Rumble and Bumble from learning resources. This video contains a paid partnership between learning resources and The Tovey Tour. You can find their products at the following website: Hit subscribe too see more of our Tour Boxes and Tovey Tour Adventures! We unbox your first coding friends Rumble and Bumble, These interactive pets introduce 100% screen-free programming for kids. Each pet-themed coding robot teaches early STEM concepts through basic coding and activities, featuring challenging coding games too. With it being the start of national story telling week here in the uk we read through the included book and play out the story by coding our new interactive pets .These are super fun and super easy to use making the coding for kids easy to learn! A great big thanks to learning resources for gifting us these products you can find their products at the following website: Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and Facebook to see our other adventures, toy unboxings and competitions. #codingcritters #rumbleandbumble #coding #codingforkids #learncoding #learningresources #learningtoys
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