Forbidden Archaeology: Lost Giants of America | Documentary Part 2

Link to The First Part - In the enthralling second part of our journey into Forbidden Archaeology, we continue to unravel the enigmatic history of America’s lost giants. After exploring startling discoveries of giant skeletons in the first part, we now delve deeper into the controversies surrounding these findings. 🔍 The Smithsonian’s Giant Skeleton Collection: We investigate the Smithsonian Institution’s intriguing involvement in acquiring numerous giant skeletons. Discover the heated debates and conflicting theories that surround these mysterious acquisitions. 🌎 Beyond Native American Myths: We examine how the giant skeletons correlate with Native American legends. Are these just myths or do they hold a kernel of truth? Explore the connections and the shared narratives. 📜 Archaeological Enigmas and Theories: Dive into a comprehensive discussion on various theories and assumptions about the origins and authenticity o
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