Wendy McNeill’s ’First There Were Feathers’ official trailer by HolySmokePhotography

Wendy McNeill’s new album, ‘First There Were Feathers’ is a dive into deep time and dark waters, with poetry, lyrics and grooves to match- a blend of myth and memoir that explores our connection to birds and how their fate is linked with our own. It has been said that Wendy McNeill’s songs walk a tightrope between the intimate and the otherworldly. Her new album, ‘First There Were Feathers’, is a glowing example of this style and her way of blending personal stories with myths and legends. After a large forest fire decimated much of the area around her home, Wendy was deeply affected by the changed landscape- and most profoundly, by the silence. This silence left her sifting through memories to recall what was- the sounds of wind through pine trees, insects buzzing through underbrush, and the calls of birds. As she witnessed the alarming increase in wildfires globally, combined with more ‘unprecedented weather events’, ‘natural disasters’ and the continued rapid destruction of wild spaces
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