石頭渲染皂DIY - river rock handmade soaps with in-the-pot swirl technique - 手工皂

上回Soap Challenge Club的回鍋渲比賽本想做成石頭造型,但是訂購的造型模卻沒有準時送達,收到後也沒動力重作就一直丟在角落,前幾天逛pinterest看到石頭肥皂才又燃起動力,成品真是美極了!!! I planed to do this pebble soap for the soap challenge club of ITP swirl before, but the mold I ordered didn’t reach on time. After receiving, I’ve lost the passion of making it again and just put the mold on the shelve. A few days ago, I saw some stone soaps in pinterest, which really triggered my desire and the result is really beautiful. 訂閱頻
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