Adorable critically endangered wombat cub spotted on nature camera

Rare footage captured one of the 400 endangered hairy-nosed wombats on a surveillance camera near a nature refuge in Queensland, Australia. Nearly 100 years ago, hairy-nosed wombats were thought to be extinct until a small population of about 30 individuals was discovered in the 1930s near Epping Forest National Park in Queensland. Today, the Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat is one of Australia’s rarest mammals, with only three populations remaining: in Epping Forest National Park (Scientific), a newly introduced population in Powrunna State Forest, and at the RUNR site. All three populations protected by Queensland’s Department of Environment. Watch more on Independent TV: The Independent is the world’s most free-thinking newsbrand, providing global news, commentary and analysis for the independently-minded. Subscribe: Find us on social: TikTok / @independent Inst
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