IJA Tricks of the Month by Lisa, Callum and Cameron from England | Hoop Juggling

This series is part of eJuggle, the IJA’s online juggling resource: This video brings together the combined forces of the hoop juggling performance duo Lisa and Callum and all-round juggling powerhouse Cameron - all of the UK. Lisa and Callum first joined forces in 2015 after meeting at the London juggling club: Spinning@ Lisa was seeking out a hula hoop performance partner, so Callum decided to leave his poi juggling background behind and focus more on hoop. They both grew together as jugglers and helped each other with their individual strengths. This resulted in them creating highly technical routines which are a hybrid of hoop tech, partner hooping, juggling and numbers passing. Since their first performance together in 2015 they have gone on to perform internationally, as far away as China. Cameron started attending the Cambridge University juggling club in 2013 and began going along to juggling conventions shortly after. He now passes clubs, r
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