Paralysed Gamer Plays Warzone With His Mouth | TOTALLY GAME
LOSING all movement below the neck hasn’t stopped one incredible gamer from racking up huge kill counts on Warzone – all while playing with his mouth. Ryan Gunter, of South Carolina, became a quadriplegic at the age of 16 after jumping into a pool and hitting his head. Despite saying he felt “lost” after the accident, Ryan eventually found gaming and developed seriously impressive skills by using a specialised QuadStick controller. The 27-year-old told Barcroft Studios: “Do I think I’m better than most people at Warzone? I think so. There’s no doubt.”
Ryan can be found streaming on his YouTube:
And on Instagram
Videographer: Michael Catron
Producer: Joe Roberts, Charles Richards
Editor: Ciara Cecil
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Paralysed Gamer Plays Warzone With His Mouth | TOTALLY GAME