Bengali payesh recipe-Lau payesh recipe-Payesh recipe in Bengali-Bangla recipe
Lau payesh recipe, Bengali payesh recipe, Payesh recipe in Bengali, learn how to make delicious Bengali payesh recipe? This is classical Bangla recipe. There are so many famous Bangla recipes, this payesh recipe one of them. This is very popular in Bengali villages. Payesh is very famous dessert recipe for festive occasions. This is very simple and very easy recipe.
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1 year ago 00:04:44 1
নলেন গুড়ের পায়েস বানানোর সহজ পদ্ধতি | খেজ
2 years ago 00:16:50 1
Extraction Of Date Palm Juice - Kheer/Payesh Cooking Using Fresh Palm Juice - Tasty Village Food