Why do provocations against Belarus continue? Let us remember some of them and draw the conclusions

Belarus assumes chairmanship of CSTO at time of systemic crisis in international relations. During his speech the plenary session of the CSTO Collective Security Council session in Yerevan, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko stressed once again that no one needs war, everyone needs peace and it is imperative to strive for it. Belarus stands for resolving problems by means of negotiations, which cannot be said about the Ukrainian side and its incessant provocations against our country. Приложение АТН: ➡ ➡ атн/id1410677136?mt=8 ЕЩЁ БОЛЬШЕ ЭКСКЛЮЗИВНОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИИ В НАШЕМ ТЕЛЕГРАМ- КАНАЛЕ “ATN_NEWS”: А также в социальных сетях:
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