Terrace Martin: ’Think Of You’ (feat. Rose Gold)

Recorded by Spacerocket Media for , Ropeadope and Sennheiser in November 2016 in Studio 3. Stereo, not stereotypical® #ExcellentBehaviour Think of You (R. Muhammed, R. McKinney, T. Martin)|Peermusic lll, Ltd. o/b/o itself, Chelsea Terrace Music Publishing and 1500 or Nothin (ASCAP), Blessed Seeds of God (ASCAP), RoseMAC Music (ASCAP)| Terrace Martin - Keys/Vocals Trevor Lawrence Jr. - Drums Rose Gold - Vocals Taber Gable - Keys Brandon Eugene Owens - Bass From the Grammy nominated Album ’Velvet Portraits’ (Sounds of Crenshaw/Ropeadope). Cameras: Michal Kowalik Ed Yeomans Lauren Pavey Si...mon Reason Dominik Maksylewicz Roger Xiberras Biagio Lombardi Charles Battison Audio Producer: Warren Bassett Video Director/Editor: Stephen Partridge
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