Forevermore: Asian Drama/Movie Mix---Dedication Video

**GET READY FOR A VERY LONG DESCRIPTION*** ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ OMO Finally I made a Drama/Movie mix... feels like forever since I made one and I actually used the WHOLE song *pats self on the back* ^_^ Anyway This is a dedication video and I pretty much said everything I wanted to say in the begining of the video but I still have more to say ^_^ **also on a side note I forgot to put Mai (Maisimus) in my dedication and that is sooo silly of me so MAI im sorry and my prays are with you and your Best friends family** **Also I forgot 2 important people in my dedication AnonBlackMV and queencofbrooklyn I swear im sorry you guys I really hope you know how much I love you girls and your videos!!!** I swear ALL of you guys are the reason I even vid in the first place. I mean sure I love to edit and I probably still would but it wouldn’t be nearly as fun as it is right now with the amazing group of people that comment and talk to me on a daily basis. This really is my escape
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