Uncivil WAR! - The Night Roy Jones Jr. CHALLENGED James Toney | Boxing Breakdown

You all must have forgot! Today we break down the technical but exiting fight between two legends of the ring, speed freak Roy Jones Jr. and James “Lights Out“ Toney. The bout would showcase the distinctive style of both men, Jones with his incredible footwork and reflexes, propped up with heavy feints, and Toney with his aggressive Philly Shell and brilliant counters. Both men had genius level ring IQs and a prevalence for showboating. How could this not become an instant classic, one of the greatest fights of all time? Skill Building E Books: Skill Building Paperback: Mortal Weapons Series Discord (Server TMMA): #RoyJonesJr. #JamesToney #BoxingExplained #BoxingTactics #BoxingTechniques #BoxingBreakdown #ModernMartialArtist #MartialArts #FightBreakdown #FightExplained #BoutExplained #TechniqueBreakdown #howtobox #learnboxing #howtobox #boxingbasics #boxingtactics #boxingskills #boxingtricks #boxingfootwork
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