5 brushes from KRITA that I tried to replicate to PAINTSTORM STUDIO brushes:
0:00 Screentone Moire
1:06 Screentone Pressure
5:22 Wet Bristles
10:02 Wet Bristles Rough
12:54 Wet Knife Plus
17:07 2 daditional brushes
Here is link to download:
On video you can see how they looks like and how close they are to the oriinals. I’ve been asked to replicate some WerPaintingBrushes from Krita. But I select only few brushes only those one that I liked and will be use myself (also it’s time consuming a lot to recreate all of them)
When you’ll download, you will see that there are more then 5 brushes. It’s because I did for some of them modifications, and some of them I’ve done in 2 different enngine methods. Also I’ve add 2 additional non Krita’s brushes I did during work. More deep information about brushes inside video.
Maybe you’ll liked the brushes and find them useful, maybe not, I dunno. Anyway, cheers! :D
Also, I did not speed upd video, just because you will see brushes in realtime dinamic behave. That’s why sorry that it so long
Also, keep in mind that pressure everyone have on their tablets and programs are quite different. So it might be need additionally compansate in all pressure grapsh inside each brushes, if brushes behave a lot differently
💻 Paintstorm Studio
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