Hast thou not peered beyond the silhouette of form?
Where matter conforms not to illusion
Hast thou not sensed beyond thy own mortal image?
Or art thou still yet deluded by the distortions of thy senses?
Beyond the veil these eyes of mine do gaze
Behind the mirrors of flesh
To me came a lady from the haze
Of smoke and chaos
Devoid I was then of this illusory plane
Reality scarred within the genetics of my consciousness
Devoured I was by her smoke that merged with my very veins
Shrouded by the void, by the abstract nothingness
Through the abyss I descended,
So that I could ascend myself
And in the abyss I drowned,
So that I could stomach the waters of Hell
1 view
1 year ago 00:03:01 1
Luciferius Omnipotens - The lord of inferno and snakes
1 year ago 00:02:52 1
Luciferius Omnipotens - Shrouded by the void
1 year ago 00:03:18 1
Luciferius Omnipotens - Merging wtih the consciousness of Satan
2 years ago 00:04:05 1
DECAPITATED CHRIST - Luciferi Imperator Omnipotens (OFFICIAL)