🇬🇧 Bon appetit, nano technology in the meat we eat! Animals fed with nano technology, i.e. nano graphene particles that are adde

🇬🇧 Bon appetit, nano technology in the meat we eat! Animals fed with nano technology, i.e. nano graphene particles that are added to animal feed, leads to the fact that the consumption of such food is incorporated into the human body through the digestive tract of those who consume such food. 🇷🇸 Bon apetit, nano tehnologija u mesu koje jedemo! Životinje hranjene nano tehnologijom odnosno nano grafenskim česticama koje se dodaju stočnoj hrani dovodi do toga da se konzumacija takve hrane ugrađuje u ljudski organizam preko digestivnog trakta onih koji konzumiraju takvu hranu. Источник: iSTiNA
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