DSTC - Outland 3, 1998 - Pete Namlook & Bill Laswell
DSTC - Outland 3, 1998 - Pete Namlook & Bill Laswell
This channel will try and keep memory of Pete Namlook (Peter Kuhlmann) alive by regularly uploading some of his tracks, for his old fans to enjoy, and for future fans to discover.
Pete Namlook was an ambient and electronic music producer and composer that left us too early. He died suddenly in 2012 from heart attack, aged 51, but left behind him some fascinating pieces of music for people to discover and enjoy.
Pete Namlook released many solo albums, as well as collaboration albums with notable artists such as Klaus Schulze, Bill Laswell, Geir Jenssen (Biosphere), Gaudi, Richie Hawtin, Tetsu Inoue, Uwe Schmidt (Atom™), Amir Abadi (Dr. Atmo), and David Moufang (Move D).
By August 2005, Namlook and collaborators had released 135 albums (excluding re-releases, vinyl singles, compilations of existing material, and FAX releases beginning with PS, in which he personally was not involved in the music making).[citation needed]
“Namlook“ is “Koolman“, a phonetic rendering of his real name, spelled backwards.
Apple Music:
Fan Page:
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