Korean hard! e A e;;;; First try singing it.
I love this song * w * I dont really care for SeeU’s voice but I really like the song! Singing in Korean is sooo much harder then singing in Japanese! HOMG! I tried my best with pronunciation but I know I probably said a crap load of things wrong.
THANK YOU SO MUCH! Fruutella for mixing this for me! You did amazing with the mixing I love how the autotune sounds with this song! Thank you again!
I made this video last minute only took me about 30 minutes so its not amazing but I think the Male SeeU is sexier then the female one xD;;;
ON ANOTHER NOTE! MY UTAU “Raiex“ will be out soon! Look forward to that!
Vocaloid 3
“I = Fantasy“
Mixing: Fruutella
Video // Vocals: NipahDUBS
Pictures: (zyeINry ) If you see any that are yours please te