Ponyo | Official Trailer

Watch the official trailer to the animated adventure by the Japanese anime studio Studio Ghibli, ’Ponyo’ directed by Hayao Miyazaki. During a forbidden excursion to see the surface world, a goldfish princess encounters a human boy named Sosuke, who gives her the name Ponyo. Ponyo longs to become human, and as her friendship with Sosuke grows, she becomes more humanlike. Ponyo’s father brings her back to their ocean kingdom, but so strong is Ponyo’s wish to live on the surface that she breaks free, and in the process, spills a collection of magical elixirs that endanger Sosuke’s village. Yours... to own: =sr_1_2?keywords=ponyo&qid=1554369767&s=gateway&sr=8-2 Find out more at 🎥 Sign up for our newsletter ✉️ #Ponyo #Animation #StudioCanal #StudioCanalUK
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