Netflix BSDVT Principal Bobby Riley a Creative Brain for Education and Art is in First Position

Bobby Riley is a man who stands for decent morals. Firm family foundations. And above all, higher education. His genius lies in his untraditional approach to traditional methods on managing learning and behavior difficulty in a classroom setting. Appearing on Netflix the Creative Brain as researched by Dr. David Eagleman; Principal Riley has made a monumental discovery. When we use abstract art as a gateway to bridge the left brain’s cognitive learning skills and the right brain’s creative and empathic skills in an environment structured for learning, the results are unbelievable. So, you ask, what’s a Crayola Created Consultant. As former head of the IAA more commonly called the Integrated Arts Academy in an underserved area in Burlington, Vermont, Principal Riley has used a Magnet School based formula to develop and apply interactive and integrated learning skills within a classroom setting in underserved communities. These skills create a curve of mind-bending programs which engage students emotion
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