Dear Whoever - Tears of Ashes Lyrics

[id4417805|*Updated] as of 7/30/13 I want to express my deepest feelings, from the bottom of my heart. I’ve lived through tough times, I’ve cried, I underwent so many phases, some I dare not speak of here. To every soul out there, if you feel lost, alone, ignored, hated.. if you’re angry, or sad, struggling in any form, thoughts of suicide. I just want to tell every single one of you something. You’re absolutely amazing. I don’t need to know your name, your face, your every thought. But I can be understanding of your feelings, and what you undergo daily. You are all very strong, I do not wish for anyone to take their lives, because it’s something precious. It shows everyone how strong you are for making it this far. Live on everyone. Be strong, and live, and love, and be loved. [id4417805|*Updated] as of 8/21/12 I don’t accept requests anymore to make lyric videos as I do not have time. I also cannot send anyone Danzai no Hana via email, as it is on my broken computer, not my laptop. Sorry. [id4417805|*Updated] as of 4/25/13 I’ve decided to add lyrics into the description also. Can you hear me? I am screaming. I am screaming. Can you hear me? Blood is dripping. Nails are piercing Thorns are ripping. Ripping through I read the tragedy It comes to me In bloody, broken dreams You always loved me Never knew these. Ironies of living free. I live for you (I die for you) I live for you (I die for you) I live for you (I die for you) I live for you... (I live for you) Can you hear me when I’m screaming. I can hear your voice it’s weeping. You cried out when I was needing I was nothing, you’d comfort me. Now I see that you are here for me to lean on Though I know what hate can do We shed tears of ashes for you/ Death only began the truth. You lived for me and you died for me I’d try so hard to be like you. Can you hear me when I’m screaming? I can hear your voice it’s weeping You cried out when I was needing I was nothing, you’d comfort me Can you hear me when I’m am screaming. I can hear your voice it’s weeping You cried out when I was needing I was nothing, you’d comfort me You were holding me You were holding.. I won’t be afraid to stand alone now! Oh no... Can’t you see? What it means To me, for me, to me Take my hand so I’ll stand. Set me free. You will see. What it means, to live and be able to breath (This blood on my dirty sleeve Is drying and can’t be washed from me) I never thought that you could abandon me. I will fight the day that you mentioned that you have to die for me. To say that you could never run away from saving me. From what I’ve made you do for me now. I’ll fight for you. I’d die for you. My life for you. Now it’s time. I won’t forget your name. No more. Am I afraid...? NO! No copyright intended, just for entertainment to my fellow youtubers, you could also consider this free advertising for the band.
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