Rust Car Uses No Low Grade Glitch

EDIT: Confirmed working on ALL servers! Tested only on intoxicated, but I’ve seen ape have a car with only 1 low grade. The method he described didn’t work in my testing, he basically said to damage car cockpit until you see break lock and then put 1 low grade and create a car key repair. However my testing showed this didn’t seem to work until an engine part broke, so it appears there is no need to damage anything just remove 1 car part. But thank you Ape either way, this was your finding, would not have considered otherwise. Rust Car Uses No Low Grade Bug 1. Get a car with 2 engines 2. Put car on car lift 3. Put 1 low grade in fuel storage 3. Create new key 4. Remove 1 engine part form any of the engines 5. Drive car off 6. You can now replace the engine part Not a major bug, since cars use very little low grade already, but now you can drive a car forever without any low grade.
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