Wraithfyre - Queen of the Blighted Throne | Black Metal (from “Of Fell Peaks and Haunted Chasms“)

First single from the album “Of Fell Peaks and Haunted Chasms“ NP-Store: Bandcamp: Release: (26th July) Wraithfyre is a UK-based one man project playing furious blast of icy black metal. Lyrics: Queen of the Blighted Throne Darkened sky is unfurling Frozen pits of the world now spreading fear With the blade of a thousand mortal men Hold the skies and condemn all life to die Dread serpent arising Fell beast from abhorrent cosmic plain Entwined in the dark of decaying night All fall to knees and speak her name Queen of the Blighted Throne, A scourge from b’yond the stars Atrocities uncountable Now lie beneath her past Cosmic keys now manifest her Bloodlit Wintermoon The starlight fades beyond the spheres Her glory is our doom The night wolves are howling Guided by the dread moon
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